How To Keep Your Gaming Accessories Cool While an Intense Gameplay?
If you like to game for hours, you must have noticed that your gaming accessories tend to overheat. If you are unable to keep the accessories cool, they are bound to overheat, and this might lead to your gaming system being destroyed. Well, the good news is that there are simple practices that you could take on to keep your gaming accessories cool.
1. You need to give your system some breathing room
What this means is that you need to keep anything that gets in the way of airflow from the system’s way. If there are books or any other items near your computer, you should consider keeping them a couple of inches away from it. It is to create space for free flow of air. You might be the kind of gamers that prefer keeping their accessories in an enclosed area, you might want to ditch the habit. It increases the risk of your accessories overheating.

2. Keep your system’s case closed
Something you need to know is that an open case does not exactly do a great job at regulating the internal temperature. How so? Well, an open case will not prevent dust and other foreign materials into the system. Presence of debris and dust particles will impede the free flow of air, hence a failed attempt of cooling your system. Your fan will slow down or even stop working. Cases are there to regulate the flow of air. However, there is another way around this. You can get the best open frame pc case to help with keeping your system cool.
3. Keep your accessories from vents and windows
Remember that the goal here is to keep your gaming as cool as you possibly can. Keeping your gaming accessories near a heat vent is probably the worst idea. Another temperature sensitive area that you should be avoiding is the window. If your accessories face a risk of being exposed to high temperatures by keeping them near a window, you should avoid it all the same. Consider keeping your accessories in cool areas if you want to keep them cool.
4. Get a memory cooling fan
Did you know that memory is one of the elements of your gaming accessories that are prone to overheat? You probably have so much stored there, and it might be one of the reasons that your system keeps overheating.
There is a solution to this: a memory cooling fan. It will help keep your accessories cool by getting rid of the weak areas for free flow of air in your system’s area.
5. A water cooling kit will do the trick
If you are working with a high-end CPU and you are fond of overclocking, you might need this kit. Why? Well, a fan might not be able to keep up. You can use a water cooling kit to keep your CPU cool: most of the gamers do this.
How does it work? The kit includes a pump that cycles water to the CPU where there are self-contained tubes from where the water is pumped out again for cooling then it is pumped back.
6. Clean your fans
Your gaming accessories might be overheating simply because your fans are clogged, therefore becoming slow or stop working all the same. What you need to do is put the power off, open the case and use an air duster to clean all the fans. Do not use vacuums though.
7. Upgrade your CPU
If your gaming PC is a little bit old, meaning the fans might be lower end and not able to adequately do the job of keeping your CPU cool. For that matter, you can upgrade your CPU fans and get high-end ones that that can keep overheating at bay.
There is one more thing that you need to note. If your system has a power supply fan, you need to check it from time to time to see if it is working as it should. If it is not and you depend on it to push out the heat, then your system will only end up overheating. Ensure that the power supply is in good condition.
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