How to open APK files on computer?
Nowadays, there are so many different file extensions, so it is very easy to get lost in them. If you have problems with .APK file extension, the first thing you should do is to stop your panic! In this article, you will find a detailed explanation of what .APK files are, how to open .APK files. And the best websites to open .APK file extensions.
What do we call APK file extensions?
APK file extension has been developed by Google. It has Android Package and is fully associated with the category “executable files”. Every APK file has the app which is designed for Android. In fact, you do not see APK files because Android uses such common programs for distribution as Google Play. This program helps manage all the installation of various applications. If you want to get the application installed manually, some websites may provide you direct APK files. Such AK files should come from trustworthy sources, otherwise, your installation may lead to malware. Do not forget that the majority of malicious software gets transmitted by such APK files.
Opening APK file extensions – detailed tutorial
You should click your APK file twice in order to open it automatically. Usually, there are no problems to open it once you have file associations and programs installed on your personal computer. If you do not have a proper installation, your file may get corrupted. Some OS can’t find required programs automatically and as the result, you can’t open your APK file.
Opening APK files extensions
You can open your APK files by yourself or find a professional help. If you want to save your time, you should visit the following trustworthy websites:,, and These are the right places if you have problems opening APK file extensions. Here you will find a professional help to open any kind of file extensions. The only thing you will have to do is to put the type/name of your file and you will see the list of available programs for opening your trouble file. On the previously mentioned websites, you will find a big database of file types and fully-detailed descriptions for opening your file extensions. Opening your files on Linux, Mac OS, and Windows has never been as easy!
In order to solve this error you will have to do the following:
- You will need to get a trustworthy auto-tool which are available at,, and
- Press “Download Solution” for your file type.
- Scan your file for any kind of potential errors.
- After reviewing the results of scanning, you will get suggestions for fixing your error.
There is another way to open your APK file – download the software. Below, you will find a list of all associated programs which are quite efficient for converting and opening file extensions. Choose the program you like and follow the instructions provided.
The list of programs to open APK file extensions:
- Google Android SDK
- 7-Zip
- Genymotion
- Viewer Plus
- Apple Archive Utility
- BlueStacks
- Corel WinZip 20.5
- WinRAR 5
- Smith Micro Stufflt Deluxe 16
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