10 Tips to Create Attractive Facebook Timeline Cover Picture
With the cosmetic changes in Facebook, there is place for a huge picture and that has been named as the Facebook timeline cover picture. You can choose anything for your cover picture. It can be a picture of something that you are really passionate about or you can put up a picture of yourself. But, there certain things that you need to pay attention to and thus, here are the top 10 tips to consider when creating a Facebook timeline cover picture.
Also Read: Stay Safe On Facebook- Read Official Facebook Security Guide
Avoid personal pictures
The cover picture on your Timeline is open to the public and thus, they can be downloaded and misused by others. Thus, if you are worried about your safety, then you can choose not to upload a personal picture and go in for something subtle.
Go in for a dark colored picture
A picture with a dark background is great as it will contrast with the background colour of Facebook, that is pale blue and that will bring out the best in your profile. You can go in for a hot pink, deep orange or burnt red background.
Speak your mind with your cover picture
The timeline cover is a great way to make your friends and subscribers know what’s going on in your mind. Put up a picture of your favourite quote or some proverb that you live by. It will send out a message to those who are subscribed to you.
Make a collage
You can make a collage of your pictures of your favourite things. There are many online software that will help you with this. Once the collage is made, you can upload it as your Facebook timeline cover picture and it is sure to get noticed.
The cover page of your favourite book or magazine
If you have a book that you live by and have been really inspired by it there is no better way of sharing your love for it, than making its cover your cover page. People are going to be intrigued and will want to know more about it.
Baby pictures
This is something everyone loves as there is not a single baby picture that is not cute and adorable and thus, you can take a picture of a baby yourself or choose one from the many that are available on the internet and upload it.
Your favourite comic strip
This is a tad different. Go in for your favorite comic strip and download it from the internet. If it is too big, you can resize it and make it your cover photo. This is going to create quite a few laughs and people will enjoy your Facebook cover picture.
The best picture that you have taken
There must be a picture that has been snapped by you, one that you think is your masterpiece. Put it up and let others get a glimpse of it as well.
Something that’s affecting you
A picture speaks volumes and if there’s something that’s affecting you, then why not put a picture of it as your Facebook cover, and let people know about it?
Put up your best picture, narcissist!
If you love plastering your surroundings with pictures of yourself, then take the cover picture as yet another opportunity to take a great picture of yourself and upload it as your cover picture.
These are the top 10 tips to consider when creating Facebook cover picture. You can choose anyone of them or use the tips one by one whenever you feel like changing your picture.
Author Bio: This guest post is written by Gupta Sumit aka Sumoni HFG, who is a part time blogger and author at The Geeks Club and concentrates mainly on iOS Apps and Phone comparision, get in touch with me on twitter @ sumonigupta
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Great tips for the timeline cover. Remember, choose a picture which is atleast 399px in size or Facebook won’t let you set it as a cover.