What is Yahoo Axis? We Take a Look
Yahoo has entered into the race of browsers by launching its own search & web browser which is claimed to help you to search in a smarter and faster way. Well, this browser has been released for iPhone, iPad and PC and this browser has been given the name as ‘Yahoo! Axis’ browser. This new browser has several features which makes searching easy. In addition, Yahoo Axis browser is also the first mobile browser that can integrate with any major desktop browser. On computer, Yahoo Axis works as a plugin in popular browsers like Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explorer. It will surely going to enhance your web browsing experience.
Looking into Yahoo! Axis Browser
Yahoo! Axis browser has lots of features that we are going to see in this post. This browser helps to search in a faster and smarter way with easy thumbnail support. Axis browser shows a thumbnail view of your searches so that you can easily select the right website as per your choice. Searching for images has been made easy using this browser since you can directly choose the images option and then easily browse all the images and even save images of your choice to your computer with ease. So, we can definitely observe that surfing has been made easy in this browser.
Yet another feature of Yahoo Axis Browser that will give you an ultimate browsing experience, and the name of this feature is ‘Search While Browsing’. This means that you can search for your desired term or keywords right from any webpage that you will be viewing without needing to leave the webpage and the results would be displayed at the top or bottom of the browser in the form of small snapshots of the WebPages which would come into view in the search results.
Well, I’ve used this browser and the interface is really simple and even easy to use and brings you the ultimate web surfing experience of accessing Internet right onto your desktop, iPad or iPhone. You can even synchronize your browser’s bookmarks, cookies, history, etc. across your gadgets or devices for getting a custom web browsing experience.
Yahoo Axis Video demo:
I used it on my desktop computer and I think it’s really good and you should even give it a try. They have a small plugin which you can integrate in any browser and can be used on any website to search with ease. You can install this plugin from the official website http://axis.yahoo.com/. Also, you can download the browser itself for your PC, iPhone and iPad from.
So, all I can say is this browser deserves a good star rating and it’s really a superb browser as well. So, have you used Yahoo Axis? What do you feel about this browser?
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