The Best New Android Tablets and Smartphone for Christmas 2011?
It has already been a great year for Android smartphones, with the likes of the Samsung Galaxy S2 and Motorola Atrix pushing the boundaries of smartphone technology. At the same time, the fledgling Android tablets have also been hitting the market to challenge Apple, especially at lower price points. But what will be the highlights as 2011 comes to a close?
Samsung and HTC have really been duking it out at the top of the Android smartphone pecking order – a situation that looks likely to continue. On the Samsung front, it’s hard to look past the aforementioned Galaxy S2 – probably the best all-round smartphone on the market right now.
It is also excelling in the budget arena too. Handsets such as the Galaxy Gio, fit, Ace and Mini are perfect for people getting their first Android smartphone that maybe don’t want to break the bank, or for younger buyers wanting an introductory handset.
If you’re after a BlackBerry lookalike, then both the HTC ChaCha and Samsung Galaxy Pro have full QWERTY keyboards. Also look out for HTC’s Sensation XE, a nice multimedia upgrade to the Sensation. The HTC Evo 3D has been a big recent hit, with the 3D gimmick turning plenty of heads. And don’t forget LG’s Optimus 3D – another fun 3D Android handset.
That said, Motorola is really cementing its place back near the top of the mobile phone hierarchy, with the recent Droid Bionic adding to its pedigree. The upcoming Atrix 2 is only going to add more credibility, but facts about it are thin on the ground right now.
And don’t forget to check out Sony Ericsson. The Xperia range has a strong Android OS package on board, alongside great hardware, but what it has lacked in killer diffentiators in those departments it has more than made up for in style. If you want a great Android smartphone that looks beautiful, the Sony Ericsson Xperia arc S is a real winner.
Android tablet PC fans have already enjoyed the likes of the HTC Flyer, Acer Eee Pad, Motorola Xoom and LG Optimus Pad, while the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 is just about to set new standards for the field.
Beyond these, we’re really looking forward to Sony Ericsson’s entry into the market. Both its S1 and S2 tablets look interesting and both for their form factors; the former with its wedge shaping, the latter with its fold open dual screen concept. Both should hit stores soon.
But if anything there is even more buzz about the upcoming colour Amazon Kindle, built on the Android OS but with a complete Amazon skin and a very low price point compared to many of its big high street rivals. If it gets its app store right, this could be the killer gadget for the end of the year.
All in all, 2011 is looking to close well. But it’s hard to not already be getting excited about what’s ahead in 2012!
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nice information Plaban. I will get one for me soon.