Which Type of Internet Connection Should You Use?
Billions of people across the globe connect to the internet daily. Everybody has a special reason for connecting to the internet. Sometimes these reasons determine the type of internet connection they use to connect to the internet. A lot of people will do their best to ration the time they spend online on a single day. As many people are logging on to the internet, few of them know exactly what they want to do at that particular moment. Many want to spend a long period online while others love to spend a very short period on the internet and go to do some other things. Many would say determination would make them keep to time. But the actual fact is that the type of internet connection you use in connecting to the internet might on the long run determine the period you spend on the internet at a given time i.e. the speed of the internet connection you use has a great way of impacting how long you stay online and how effective you are online. There are two major ways of connecting to the internet. The two major ways are dial up and broadband internet. Dial up was the first means of connecting to the internet. It isn’t the best. The advent of broadband connection relieved a lot of internet users and helped make accessing the internet easier, below are few descriptions of how these forms of internet work and which one is best for you.
Dial up Internet
Dial up, being the first means of connecting to the internet, gave the people a good feeling and perception of the internet and helped a lot of people see the possibilities the internet has. Then because it was the only means many people claimed that it was very fast. It works at the rate of 56 to 128kb/s and that was pretty fast in those days but almost irrelevant nowadays. There are limitations to what a dial up internet connection can do. It keeps you online for a very long time because you won’t be able to do everything you want to do and there’s a limitation to what you can achieve with it. This mode of connection, however, loosed its hold on the internet as the broadband technology arrived.
High Speed Broadband Internet
Broadband is a very powerful technology and a great means of connecting to the internet. Broadband is very fast unlike dial up and some broadband internet connections are so fast that they open web pages as fast as you can type. Using a broadband internet connection, you can predict when you’re to stop browsing the internet as it gets what you want done as fast as possible. A broadband internet connection can be as fast as 50 to 100mbps in developed countries and other forms of low speed broadband internet access are also very effective. A dial up internet connection cannot accomplish what a broadband can. With a broadband internet connection, there is safety in sharing the network from a particular computer to others where the main computer remains the server. Some of the numerous good features of a broadband internet connection are that it is very fast, it is consistent and it is dependable. A broadband internet connection can do what takes a dial up hours to do in a matter of seconds.
Which Type of Internet Connection Should You Use?
Mostly the type of connection you are to use depends solely on what you do on the internet. But to be sincere, there is nothing you’re doing on the internet that broadband isn’t the best for. A broadband internet is faster than dial up. It is more reliable than dial up. You can’t have two means of connecting to the internet whereby one is faster than the other and still go for the slower one. It is your choice, but broadband is far better compared to dial up.
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