How To Install Android On Nokia N900 [ Gingerbread 2.3.4 N12 UMay build]
Nokia N900 came with Linux based Maemo 5 Operating System. However, it is possible to install Android on N900. You can install and run latest Android Gingerbread 2.3.4 on Nokia N900. Most of the Android applications and games run on Nokia N900. Still now it’s not possible to use voice calls in N900 when running Android. But latest Android Gingerbread build N12 UMay supports sending and receiving SMS. N12 Gingerbread build comes with these changes and fixes —
N12 “UMay”
– Android GingerBead 2.3.4 (GRJ22)
– New Gapps (20110503)
– much more stable than previous release (N11 “Vostok”)
New features:
– RIL: SMS sending
– RIL: Pro-active USSD sessions
– RIL: 3G Fast Dormancy (thanx to Crevetor)
– RIL: IMEISV request support
– Support for swap (optional; one can easily activate it in /default.prop)
– Permission manifests
– Market working “out-of-the-box”
– WiFi/DHCP problem
Also Read:
- How to Install WhatsApp on Nokia N900
- How To: Install MeeGo 1.2 Developer Edition on Nokia N900
- How to enable USB host mode on Nokia N900
How to install Android on Nokia N900 tutorial:
If you want to install Gingerbread on your Nokia N900 then follow these steps.Before installing it you must have knowledge about using x-terminal.
To install Android 2.3 on Nokia N900 follow these steps-
1. Connect your mobile to internet via Wi-Fi or Cellular data and insert a MicroSD card in mobile.
2.Enable all repositories from App manager (Extras-testing, Extras-devel, Extras and the default Nokia)
3.Install rootsh (if you don’t have) and Leafpad from the App manager
open x-terminal type
apt-get update
apt-get install nitdroid-installer
y again if it asks again.
Close x-terminal when package is installed
Now Download Nitdroid Gingerbread N12 UMay
Copy it to: /home/user/MyDocs
Download Nitdroid Kernel
Copy it to: /home/user/MyDocs
Open terminal and type:
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
cd /home
mkdir /and
cd /
mount /home /and
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_rc4_armel.deb
Now type-
leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11-NITDroid-mmcblk0p2-2.6.28.NIT.
(then press Tab on your screen and press Enter to open it in Leafpad )
Your .item file shall open take a look at ITEM_DEVICE, if you’re using an mmc then change it to
OR if you don’t have an mmc
Now reboot mobile and open physical keyboard,during start up you will get two OS options Maemo and Nitdroid. Select Nitdroid and enjoy Gingerbread on Nokia N900.
For more help visit maemo forum
P.S: I’m not responsible if anything wrong happens to your mobile.
Huge thanks to the whole nitdroid team.
More awesome stuffs:

Legend. Works perfectly. If I only had read it properly the first time. Bricked & had to flash.
The space in between / got me, skipped through it & turned the unit off.. wala, nothing working. hehe.
Thanks for the tutorial champ. 😉
You are welcome 🙂
so this doesnt install onto a external memory? its onto the internal memory?
i get a "not enough space error" 🙁
thx for your time in explaining this anyways 🙂
when i type this "bzip2 -d gingerbread.tar.bz2" in xterminal, it says no such file or directory
and i have downloaded it there
but its opening
^ make sure you have used
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d gingerbread.tar.bz2
plz upload a video so that it will be easy to install it
why when i press tab and enter it going nothin???
can u help me now???pleasssssssssss…
anyway,thanks a lot
after pressing tab nothing is happening???????????????
@Amarpreet Singh
after pressing 'Tab' on screen have you pressed 'Enter' on keyboard?
you need to install leafpad first to edit multiboot entry otherwise nothing will open after pressing 'Enter'
I did the same first I pressed the tab and secondly I pressed the enter button but still no .item file is opening………need your help.Plz help me out.I also want to tell you that i am not using micro sd card is this a problem
have you installed leafpad? you need a micro SD card.
how to install leftpad plzzzzzzzzzzz help me
yes i have installed leafpad.Is it necessary to have microsd card.
@Amarpreet Singh
send your email id using contact form
when i enter bzip2 -d NITDroid.0.0.9.tar.bz2,
it said -sh: bzip2: not found??
what should i do??help mee
i hav this problem when i change it not to mmcblk0 ihave this:
file is read only pls help me tnk u
Do you know how to flash maemo.If yes than please tell me the steps.
which phone is best after nokia n900
n950 is the best phone
How Can I Use cd /home/user/MyDocs Plz Tell…..when i writ cd /home/user/MyDocs in x tarminal its show not found….how can i fix it plz tell……
leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11
(then press tab on your screen and press Enter to open it in Leafpad )
nothing is hapenning?what to do
I have done almost everything but my n900 is not showing multiboot screen…… me out
take a look here
Why don't u reply
have u installed 2.3 in ur phone or you r just giving the way to install it
@Amarpreet Singh
I've installed Android 2.3 in my N900.
You need to open the keyboard when rebooting mobile otherwise Operating system selection screen will not come.
but the thing is this when I prees tab and then enter only a blank file open in Leafpad what to do.
all the features f android are working on nokia n900 or some of them are working.
i did it but when i select Android from boot menu my phone shows some file but after some seconds it reboot again and show me the boot menu……plz help me and reply me on this.
when mobile is booting 1st select android then mobile will reboot and Android will start
yr…..when i switch to android it start showing some file but after some files……it shows some file not found if u know tell me what to do.
I just want to show one image can u tell me how to do that
how to get nokia n900 to portrait mode do u have any idea?
I just installed gingerbread. Everything works perfectly but the voice calls. Basically it cannot work now with the current version or I made mistakes while installing it?
Thanks a lot for the tut btw.
Currently voice calls are not supported in Gingerbread.
@Amarpreet Singh
N900 doest not support portrait mode.But community SSU firmware update may bring portrait mode in future.
How Can I Use cd /home/user/MyDocs Plz Tell…..when i writ cd /home/user/MyDocs in x tarminal its show not found….how can i fix it plz tell….
leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11
(then press tab on your screen and press Enter to open it in Leafpad )It`s for me….
Amarpreet Singh ????
Ahmed Pabel it is for everyone dude u r nt special
@Amarpreet Singh
make sure you have Micro SD leafpad and change the entry to
let me know if it works or not?
here is the photo of N900 running Gingerbread
Hay u !!! Amarpreet Singh i don`t speak that…i mean this commend for my problem fix….Be gud…N if u can plz help meeeeeeeeee…………..
how to create themes for nokia n900?
I want to show u some error regarding 2.3 how should i send u those images?
pls help meeeee!!!!!
arey where shoud i paste the files that i have downloaded pls help me i m not getting home/user/MyDocs
Plaban how to create themes for nokia n900?
I want to show u some error regarding 2.3 how should i send u those images?
plaban what is mmc?
plaban why don't u reply?
to create theme see here –
yes post the error images here.
mmc is MicroSd
i am getting a "No space left on device" write error .i have 10gb free on my device and 2 gb on sd card..where do i need more spae?
i somehow managed to run gingerbread on my n900..but now when i switch off my phone and turn it on…i dont see the bootscreen anymore..Please Help!!!
you need to slide out hardware keyboard to get the boot screen selection
what a silly mistake!!
aneways…thanx a lot
this web page was of great use for me!!
andi hope there's a voicecalling option soon!!
Plaban tell me what more i can do with my nokia n900
tell me more interesting app for nokia n900……..
plz reply?
I'll tell the list of apps soon
Is MeeGo will be available for nokia n900?
@Amarpreet Singh
N900 will get MeeGo though Nokia will not give support for MeeGo.
Plaban what abt Apps?
can you give me a link to how to uninstall gingerbread..:p
as there is no voice calling..
is it available in froyo?
Plaban what to do with that NITDROID Installer in MAEMMO MENU
Plaban do you know how to and from where to get live wallpaper?I am trying too set video as wallpaper but it is nt woking infact for the 1st tm it worked?
follow this link
No Froyo does not supports voice calling also
@Amarpreet Singh
1.keep it
2.the live wallpaper apps comes with many live wallpapers.You can also get more live wallpapers from here-
these are videos nt live wallpaper I want live wallpaper like android for My NOKIA n900
You can set these videos as live wallpapers in N900 using the Live wallpaper apps.
The most similar live wallpaper to android which I found is 'Gas-Balls' in OVI store.
there are many missing applications in the "market".why is that?
Nokia has stopped supporting Maemo 5 as future mobile will come with Windows Phone 7 and MeeGo OS.
is that true Anchit?
Maemo is a good OS but due to lack of applications we all r moving towards Android 2.3 this is what i think and believe.
From my point of view Maemo people must start working on creating better apps than android otherwise Maemo will be lost in future.
Plaban do I install Meego on my nokia n900
Yes you can install MeeGo in N900
is there any risk and how is meego os is it good or nt?
I meant there are many android ninjump which are missing from the android market.Is there a way to fix that?
cd /home/user/MyDocs Plz Tell…..when i writ cd /home/user/MyDocs in x tarminal its show not found….how can i fix it plz tell
@Amarpreet Singh
You can install MeeGo and dual boot with Meamo 5.I've not installed MeeGo yet so I can not tell how good is it.
have you installed rootsh ?
@plabanPlaban do you know how to install prismic wallpaper manager
@Amarpreet Singh
download .deb file from here
install it using dpkg command
@Amarpreet Singh
tell me the proper commnads to install it
@Amarpreet Singh
download the .deb file in MyDocs
the use this command
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/packagename.deb
replace packagename with the name of the .deb file
The command is showing errors check out the screen shot
@plabando you know from where to get analogue clocl themes
@Amarpreet Singh
try this
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/prismicwm_1.4.4_armel.deb
@Amarpreet SinghPrismic Wallpaper Man. stared working after update.
after this command you have to update it {dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/packagename.deb (replace packagename with the name of the .deb file)}
@Amarpreet Singhhow to download torrent on nokia n900
@Amarpreet SinghPlaban How to download any video on nokia n900 and why do u reply so late?
@Amarpreet Singh
to download torrent on N900 use 'Transmission' app.You want to download video from which site?
@plabanfrom any site like you tube or there are a lot of them
I have memory card, but I cant install Android on it, my phone put Android on internal memory. How to put Android on SD card? Its work on internal memory, but I dont want to be put there. This command leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11
(then press tab on your screen and press Enter to open it in Leafpad )
wont work, when I press tab, nothing happened, when I pres enter leafpad open blank dokument. So help me please!!!
@Amarpreet Singh
to download videos from youtube use apps like cutetube
New version of android 2.3 is releasing soon for N900.Please wait till then.
@plaban Plaban New android version will support voice calling also and what else are the new feature?
here is a video by topet2k12001 of installing android in n900
@ravi this is the error which i am getting after executing 1st command i.e is apt-get update tell me Plaban what i have to do now reply as eary as possible?
@Amarpreet Singh
connect to internet and try this again
apt-get update
@plabanstill the same error can u explain what is happening?
@plabanPlaban now some other thing is happening
@Amarpreet Singh
you and try these commands and see if it fixes the problem or not
apt-get autoremove
apt-get f-install
to solve the second problem make sure application manager is closed when using the commands
@plabanapt-get f-install this command is showing invalid operation what to do now second error is not coming but what abt the fist one
@Amarpreet Singh
sorry it will be
apt-get -f install
You are getting the first error because there are come conflicting packages.
@plabanhow to correct conflicting problems?
@plabanwhat these command going to do that u gave to me (apt-get autoremove; apt-get -f install)
@Amarpreet Singh
apt-get autoremove will remove any unneeded packages
apt-get -f install will install any missing packages
to fix the conflict problem try to disable the repositories and update then re-enable them.It may work.
@plabanwhich repositories i have to disabled extra,extradevel,extratesting,,nokia applications,nokia system software update,ovi,community ssu testing
@plabanPlaban the i did exactly the same as given in the video but android is still not working on my nokia n900 can u tell me what to do?
@plabancan u tell me how to do video call on nokia n900
@Amarpreet Singh
N900 does not support video call over 3G.You can use skype or gtalk to for video calling.
@plabanmy friend is using nokia n95 8gb but still gtalk is not showing any video calling option?and why android is creating prob i did exactly same as video?
@plabanis it good to install cssu in nokia n900?
@Amarpreet Singh
Gtalk and skype video calling works between pc and n900.
Yes should install CSSU it makes N900 more smooth.
@plabanPlaban i don't know why android is not installing on my nokia n900,I did exactly the same as give in the video tell me what to do and when is new android is coming for nokia n900.
Is window 7 s going to be good for nokia n900.
@Amarpreet Singhwhy dont u give ay reply
@Amarpreet Singh
Sorry, I don't get enough time to reply.
@plabanPlaban is there any good news for nokia n900 users any updates?
@Amarpreet Singh
No updates from Nokia.But keep an eye on community updates.
Any updates on window 7 for nokia
Not till now.It may happen in future.
some problem here plz help me,
when i entered the command
apt-get install nitdroid-installer, than the message appears
E: couldn’t find package nitdroid-installer.
than plz help me what i do.
Thanks for the steps, but after installing it i found that i cant make calls as its on the flight mode ! but i tried many times to turn it off but it keeps turning on… and plus how can i go back to the main menu?
Thanks in advance
Voice call is still not supported(with latest Android Gingerbread build).To get back to menu press camera shutter key.
so should i install the 2.2 Android to get voice calls ?
and thanks for your respond.
No Android 2.2 also does not support voice call.You can use mobile data(3G) or use wi-fi.
But my cell Network doesnt support 3G !
so i cant make any calls in any Android version.
Unfortunately you can not use voice calls.You can use 2G data connection or better use Wi-Fi.
how can i use the 2G calls ?
No you can not use 2G voice calls.I’ve updated the tutorial with latest Android 2.3 build.You can follow the updated tutorial.
when i type ‘root’ on x terminal it says
-sh: root: not found
please help meeeeeeeeeee
You have not installed rootsh.First install it then run the commands.
thanks.. 🙂
You are welcome 🙂 .
when i type the command ‘apt-get nitdroid-installer’
it says E: Couldn’t find package nitdroid-installer
can you help me
You have to be connected to internet when using these commands.
i’ve already connectedto the internet but still it shows the message
have you enabled all repositories in the App Manager?
can teach me how to enable all the epositories in app manager
see here–
leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11
(then press tab on your screen and press Enter to open it in Leafpad )
can u explain exactly how work this???
i’ve already install leafpad…
when i type the command the leafpad open but what it is mean ‘press tab on screen’???
and when i press enter nothing happened…
lastly, the command ‘ITEM_DEVICE=$(INT_CARD)p2’ where should i type this command? in X terminal or leafpad?
sory for ask many question… 🙂
Press ‘Tab’ on screen then press ‘Enter’ on keyboard.
see this video
I have mmc, it works well with ITEM_DEVICE=mmcblk0p2.
However, it fails to boot with the following setting:
The panic message says mmcblk1p2 does not exist or something.
I’ll trying to install but i got this message:
dpkg: error processing /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-06_final1_armel.deb (–install):
cannot access archive : No such file or directory
errors were encountered while processing :
Can you help me please????
I think you have to put the kernel file in /home/user/MyDocs.
Thanks!!!!!!It worked ..
I have no network on Android, or may come to the problem?
How do I make Back in Android with the N900??
Good to know that it worked 🙂 . To go back ‘half-press’ camera button.
How can i delete the Multiboot and Android and the MMC???
I want to try now meego…
To remove NitDroid use these commands–
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and -o noatime
It doesn-t work,when i type this command i have : mount: mounting /dev/mmcblk1p2 on /and failed: No such file or directory
-sh: nitroid-uninstaller: not found
have you used ‘root’ before using those commands?
Yes i use root before!!!!
i installed the nitdroid on my n900, works very nice. Just that i installed it in emmc not in sd card, net works fine
not yet tried the wifi, sms n calls not woking, Android market works too,
Its stable, thanks to u, it got installed in some minutes, i just wanted to know that is it possible to update further, and how to uninstall
in case i want to. Thank u, n keep up the good work n keep updating about nitdroid.
Thank u.
i have manged to install nitdroid n11 in my n900, works fine, but i have installed in emmc,
its fast, thanks to you i installed it, it just took some minutes to install, net throgh gprs works good,
sms works, calls work but not clear,android market is working,
Thank you, is their any updates ?
Can any one HELP Please?
how can I acces this “/home/user/MyDocs” ? where is this folder? so I can save those files there.
I want to install ANDROID on my Nokia N900.
if you can email me please
open x-term and type
cd /home/user/MyDocs
to go to that folder
its showing cd /home/user/MyDocs not found
Plaban, can u tell me which are the functions will work perfectly in andr.2.3 when i am installing in nokia n900? and also tell me, what is the minimum capacity of MMC will require to install the same? I have both 2GB and 4GB MMC, which one is sufficient?
In Android 2.3 wifi,sound works,sms sending and receiving works. But voice call is not supported. You can use both 2GB and 4GB, 2GB is minimum.
WHEN i feed command:
“bzip2 -d N11_Vostok.tar.bz2″….it says
bzip2: can’t open input file N11_Vostok.tar.bz2”: No such file or directory…
even though i have copied N11_Vostok.tar.bz2 file and Nitroid installer in /home/user/MyDocs properly …
pls help i really want to install android on my n900…
Hey, how do u transfer the N11 rar file and it”s corresponding kernel to the home/user/MyDocs can’t be viewed via file manager..I used “case” to open the “home/user/MyDocs” folder..but now I can’t find my N11 rar file and kernel using “case”….can some one please help ??
is this copy of android have a mistakes or not ???
another ques..
i have seen another copy of android but this is gingerbread.2.3.4 N12 May can u tell me what copy is better ( ur copy or the other ??? ) and if the other is better can u tell me how to download it 🙂 ???
Gingerbread.2.3.4 N12 is latest version and it’s better than N11. I’ll update the tutorial with N12 soon.
not installed :S i’ll w8ing to N12 better 😀
when will u update the tutorial of Gingerbread.2.3.4 N12 ?????
Post updated with latest Nitdroid N12 build.
I installed Android Gingerbread 2.3.4 N12 “UMay” today on my phone ..everything seems to be ok..except..while making the voice call, i donot hear anything from the remote party( not even the ringing tone)..and remote party sometimes hear feable cracking noise.
Please adivse..
I tried installing other version as well ( gingerbread, vox.. etc etc) but same issue persists.
When i boot to mameo( nokia OS) the call works absolutely fine..
please suggest what could b wrong??
Currently voice calls is not supported in Android.
so then what is the usue of android on N900.??
is their a better OS which supprts voice..?
You can run and enjoy most of the android apps and games on Nokia N900 that is the main point. Android can not replace the main Maemo 5 OS as it does not support many things like calling,camera etc.
MeeGo supports calling but the OS is not that great. To install MeeGo see this post –
[the MeeGo build used in the tutorial is old, there are some newer MeeGo builds available]
thanks for the reply and clarification..
looks like while working on gingerbread i damaged my Sd CARD..
meego only allows installtion on external sd card..
Do you have any procedure to install meego on emmc with dual boot to maemo.? searched internet could not find any ans.
also is their any other os that allows voice call other than meego and is stable??
the reason for changing the OS is whenever my phone goes to hibernate stage(display lights off), it powers down automatically.
reflashed with PR1.3 but no sucess..
with gingerbread atleast this was not happening. 🙂
any help would be appreciated..
You can install MeeGo on EMMC but you can not dual boot with Maemo 5 then. To install MeeGo on EMMC follow this [at your own risk] –
If you need any more help regarding N900 then you should join this forum there are many helpful people.
Hey Plaban,
Very thanks for updating us all and giving your time and suggestions.
I just have 2 queries, please let me know whenever you get time:
1) I’m on power kernel, is it fine to go ahead with NITDroid on it as earlier I installed(V2.2) on Regular one and flashed off after few days 🙂
2) If yes, will it install in Internal Memory as I saw a post stating that? I dont want to use internal memory, so by modifying which commands I can install on SD Card or provide me any link.
Thanks and Regards:
Hi Abhy,
If you have flashed your mobile then there is no problem, you can install NITDroid 2.3.4.
Yes, this process installs Android on internal 32GB EMMC for better speed and performance. Installing on EMMC is recommended. If you run Android from SD card then it will be slow.
Thanks Plaban.
I do have flashed, but installed power kernel, so will it install on power kernel?
How can I install it on Memory Card, do you know what modifications to make?
Yes, NITDroid works with Power Kernal
To use Power Kernel download this
and extract this archive on
and use this commands
mount /home /and
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/multiboot-0.2.11-kernel-power-46-Android-Kernel/*
visit this link for more info-
Very Thanks 🙂
Hi there. When I put leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11-NITDroid-mmcblk0p2-2.6.28.NIT. into x terminal, and leafpad comes up, no words are there.
have you pressed ‘Tab’ on screen and then pressed Enter from keyboard?
nitroid is installed in my n900 it shows the icon in my phone..i have completed just the first half…i cant find the solution for this cd/home /user/mydocs…wen i type this on xterminal it says not found…plsssss help me out..
Linux is Case sensitive so it will be MyDocs not mydocs. So copy paste this —
cd /home/user/MyDocs
can u jst tell me hw to formate nokia n900…
Follow this process to re install firmware in N900
When i type cd /home/user/MyDocs in xterminal nothing happens…which button i have to press next to open home/user.,…?
i’m getting mental
cd command is used to change directory in Linux. cd [destination address] this is the syntax. If you type cd /home/user/MyDocs in x terminal then you will reach MyDocs directory from root directory.
please explain everything in layman terms one by one…we r not geeks to understand !
I still feel android is much better and stable than meego..
is their a way to get voice call working on android itself..?
do you know if their is already a plan to include voice call in near term??
i think sms already works fine and voice call( signalling is also OK except actual voice)in gingerbread..
Yes, they are working on voice calling. It may come in future.
i have a problem, when im open leafpad, n nothing word, just blank.. what can i do,pls help me
mostly you forget to do this step
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_rc4_armel.deb
after successful installation for the above pkg it will create a file 11-NITDroid-mmcblk0p2-2.6.28.NIT in the following path /etc/multiboot.d/
you can check the existence of the file by
ls /etc/multiboot.d/
can we install android on Nokia x7??????
No that is not possible.
I can’t seem to do this: bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
It says: Can’t open input file N12_Umay.tar.bz2: No such file or directory.
Please help,
why do we need a micro SD????
and can we do it without d card …………???
and if we want only maemo how to get it bak///
hey plaban..need your advice which one do u think is better if i want to have voice calls as an option..
Voice call is not supported yet 🙁
pls..anyone can help me with tht..
thnks..but while installing androidm facing problem..
in X terminal its showing the
home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar not found..
whereas i have copied it in documents folder in memory card
You should copy it to the Documents folder of internal memory, not memory card.
When i execute this command :
cd /home
mkdir /and
cd /
mount /home /and
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar
It says :
tar: cannot remove old file sdcard: Is a directory.
How to fix this… 🙂
when I write >>
apt? get install nitdroid?installer
the phone tells me..
Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock ? open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)
unable to lock the administraition directory (/var/lib/dpkg/)
is another process using it?
can you help me >> Plz??
Make sure Application manager is closed when using these commands in x-terminal.
forget about android ..I have a bigger problem..
My rootfs is full..
I did every thing using x terminal to clean it.. keeps telling me ((no space left on device))
so, I’ll Appreciate some help..
thanks for your help
is it necessarily to insert a micro SD card? i don’t have one
No, you don’t need it now.
downloaded Nitdroid Gingerbread N12 UMay and copied in Documents folder (internal memory)
when i enter this cmd in terminals
it shows
sh: cd/home/user/MyDocs: not found
kindly help me.
There should be a space between cd and /home/user/MyDocs
copy paste this command-
cd /home/user/MyDocs
ya done it
and when i type this
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
it says no such file or directory
but i copied that file in Documents folder (internal memory) only.
pls reply, lot of people asked this question above
Don’t put that is Document folder. Connect your mobile in Mass Storage mode and paste the file there.
yesss..i’ve done it.
its working perfectly.
thanks 4 ur help plaban.
I’m glad that it worked. You are welcome Sathish.
can i install android on my nokia c5-03
No, that is not possible.
Plaban, was reading all your posts. Very helpful you have been. I may need your help at some point but for now, Happy Holidays! 😀
Thanks 🙂
im trying to follow your steps but something is going wrong
can you plzz make a video tutorial
thank you
You can follow this video guide (not created by me) to get the idea .
I saw the video you posted for us to watch as a guide. I noticed that after i type “root”, x terminal is posting ” ?:~# “, which is in the video ” Nokia-N900:-# “. Please help me plaban, i wanna enjoy also my life with my n900 nitdroid. Thanks!
If tht gingerbread part doesnt vork. thn check that you have put the gingerbread file in your n900 n also see that ur mobile is not connected to your computer.
its not workinf from the very first command i.e. “apt-get update”
the error message is the public key is not available.
Hey I tried the same but after clicking 2 on the boot menu it says can’t flash kernel,required fill missing
Guru meditation #00000025. [sth] Help me out
Do we need to have an extra SD card for android installation? or the default 32 GB one suffices?
Hi friend… Great work!!!
Plz help for me.
how can i uninstall android from nokia n900?
installed files not shows in application manager. also it is not install in MMC.
is there a group on
How to put Android on SD card? I still feel android is much better and stable than meego..
Trying hard to install but it says y not found what should i do?
one problem dude
every time i type bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
it says file not found…
tho i did copy th file in my docs…
should i unzip it ??
when i put
mkdir /and
cannot create directory ‘?and’: File exists
Have you previously tried to install Android?
voice call and camera not work why??????
I tried to install Android three times by now following your instructions. I noticed that many people have did it with no problems, but every time I try to install it, the system just wont boot. It freezes when running any commands on the screen.
I flashed the phone twice now and I want to know what I’m doing wrong.
When I used ITEM_DEVICE=${INT_CARD}p2 the phone froze whenever I tried to boot both maemo or android
For ITEM_DEVICE=mmcblk0p2, it gave me a panic screen saying something like mmcblk0p2 is not avaliable (can’t remember exactally)
I have a 2gb mSD on the phone.
Do you have any idea of what should I do?
plzz tell me properly yar how i cud in my phone have x.trminal but u say 3.Install rootsh (if you don’t have) and Leafpad from the App manager
open x-terminal type
plzz tell me properly how if i do so then i lost my stuf or no
go to the application manager and search those apps
hi, i installed nitdroid installer after it’s done
im typing cd /home/user/MyDocs (enter)
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2 (enter)
-sh: bzip2: not found
im trying to get this V but pls can u boost me up with this error
Have you placed the file in the correct location? connect your mobile to computer in Mass Storage mode and paste the file in root directory.
It Worked…. Thank you so much….
hi there, i tried to copy the files into different folders, still got “no such file or directory”. can somebody please tell me how to copy them into root folder! the path /home/user/MyDocs does not exist in the internal memory, i created this folders and copy the files into them but still does not work. help please.
Finally set up the Gingi-2.3 …and got Gingaxxed…!!! n900 is really great phone at 600Mhz processor speed for this Andriod Build. Cam and voice calls not working. Dont know how to set it right? any leads? / Also many thanks for all the guys for the free downloads and instructions …
when i type bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2 it says :-sh: bzip: not found
please help
hey i have installed it successfully,everything is just working so perfect except for the messaging,i cant send nor receive msges.i did everything according to ur instructions,and all my steps went accordingly ,but still why cant i send nor receive messages 🙁
pls do help me? out.
I installed Android 2.3.4 N12 UMay successfully on my Nokia N900, but when I make or receive a call, I can’t hear nothing.
plz help.
hey all when i type bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2 it says :-sh: bzip data ingtegrity error when decompressing imput file=N12_UMay.tar.bz2,output file=N12_UMay.tar
it is poossible that the compresssedd file(S) have become cupported
bzip2: DElering output file N12_UMay.tar.bz2 if it exited.HELP meeee PLZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
..nejaka aktualizace? vylepseni atd?
when I type:
leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11-NITDroid-mmcblk0p2-2.6.28.NIT
leafpad opens but it is blank, there are no line
Hello Guys, let me say for the record, Plaban you are rocking it, thank you very much, i did as instructed and it worked like Magic, it only too me 20 minutes and Android was up and runing on my Nokia N900.
for some of us who were asking question about where the /home/user/Mydocs, this directory is simply the N900, when you go the file manager, if you have MMC you will see N900 and the name of your mmc, now when you save, just save in N900 and not any folder in N900. i hope this helps because i have just finished installing it.
Please Plaban, what more can i do with this power house called N900? at first i was getting tired of it, but getting to know that i can do more with it, believe me it is the best, how many phones out there gives you the privilege to installs other OS. Please plan i neeeeeed to know more i can do with it.
Thank a Zillion!!!
Thanks Peter 🙂
You can record 720p HD video with Nokia N900. For that you have to modify some system files. HD video quality is good, you can try it.
HI All,
Any update about any version of android for N900 which supports all the features
There is one newer Android ICS build available for N900. It is experimental stage and still does not support voice calling and camera.
i installed android on ma n900 but nw in android camera is not working and if i try to call any one i cant hear anyting can u help me..Plaban plz……….
Camera and voice calling don’t work in Android.
plaban i hv one more doubt in android i can make call on skype it will get a voice?..huh?
hey ,
plz tell me when i m type root in my device than the device says root not found..
i do’nt wht i did plz tell me.????
Nokia-N900:/home# mkdir /and
mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/and’: File exists………?
I cant get the android installer properly. Im still in the process wherein im writing “apt-get update”, just right after the first command “root” in x-terminal. Please help!
Did you install rootsh in your device already? If not you can download it from the app manager.
hey what does this mean?? if you’re using an mmc then change it to
OR if you don’t have an mmc
what is the difference btw mmc and emmc??
mmc means Micro SD card and emmc is the internal 32 GB memory.
alright thx 🙂
hey i didi every step right but when i reboot my device and press nitdroid to start then it shows an error of “Root Filesystem mmcblk1p2 missing” Guru Meditation and when i put out my sd card from my phone then it starts perfectly how can i start it with having sd card inside??
hey plaban i m having some problems in my android my camera and flash is not working and i also can’t charge my phone using android is there any fix for that??
In Android Camera and voice calls don’t work. USB charging may work, I’ve not tested though.
and is not working either i mean i can pair the device but i can’t send or recieve files 🙁 plz check it out and is there any hope that these problems could be solved in future??
bluetooth is not working sorry missed the word?
is there anyway i can remove the previously installed android version on my n900…cant find uninstall icon in menu and also not workin on X-term wen i tried this code:
mount /dev/mmcblk1p2 /and -o noatime”
it returns failed:no such file or directory….pls help me uninstall it;;i wud like to try the newer N12 version
Uninstalling process doesn’t always work correctly. I’ll recommend you to take backup of mobile using Nokia suite and do a fresh firmware reflash. Follow this guide to reflash firmware
its working 100% thanks :))
hey there.. the process was going perfect till the x terminal thing.. when i type the command “apt_get install nitdroid installer” and type and enter “y” , it says “not found” . Please help,. ill be really very grateful. thanks.
hello every one
i am looking forward to get android on my n900,pls help
hello, my name is Vitor and I have a question you do.
how can I install android on a memory card to work in a nokia C6-00?
Thank you in advance.
vitor rock
HI Vitor,
Android does not work in Nokia C6-00.
hey , i having a problem when i type mkdir /and
the phone say cannot create directory ‘/and’ :file exists
please help me
hello..i cant install leafpad..and try to update..but its displayed not found….
plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz help me……………
Hey guys,
Don’t forget to type “nitdroid” and type Y after the step “apt-get install nitdroid-installer”
That’s it! It was all rice and beans 😉
Good luck
Forget, it isn’t needed…
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
Can’t open input file N12_UMay: No such file or directory
how much does this proceess take?and what should i do after root
cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
cd /home
mkdir /and
cd /
mount /home /and
cd /and
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar
dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_rc4_armel.deb
does this process end on nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_rc4_armel.deb please give details .
Thank You
Heeeelp! Ive successfully installed the n12 on my n900
the prob is when i boot i get the lock screen with the
pattern lock interface what do i do i havent set it
before and this is the first time im installing android
when i successfully installed android 2.3.4 on n900 my maemo 5 had problems like cpu overclocking and app closing. please reply.and my android also doesn’t support sim sms internet etc.
Hey, Plaban, can you please tell me why I need a micro SD card? Can I install nitroid wihout a sd card??
Yes, you can now install it without micro SD card.
How? Will installing it without a micro SD have any problems?
Follow the guide and use this code ITEM_DEVICE=mmcblk0p2
hello plaban,
i just installed with your instructions. its very easy to install it! but im having little problem after i get into it!
1) im not able to call, calling was displaying but im not able to hear anything. and same with the caller!
2) wifi is getting connected instantly but once i try to open a webpage its occurred 404!
3) i have another android device so im trying to pull some apk’s from bluetooth but its showing, its searching and pairing too! but once i send it! its showing failed.
4) its little leggy now in maego and android too! sometimes its not but most of the times its take so much time for open a settings menu and anything on the list.
so could you please tell me how to fix this all stuffs? i know little developments in android. if you brief me ill do my best to make it fix.
thank you reply me as soon as possible.
Unfortunately Android development for Nokia N900 is stopped. There is no way to use voice calling, camera, etc when using Android on N900. Wi-fi works for me, check your Wi-Fi settings and make sure everything is correct. I’ve not tested Bluetooth so it may have some problems. You can use USB cable to transfer apk files from computer to mobile. The hardware is not good enough to handle Android and MeeGo soomthly.
ok thank you for your instant reply!
im really appreciate for this, ok so could you guide me how to remove whole this stuff which i have already installed as above your instructions?
You can uninstall it using the “NITDroid-Uninstaller” from the menu or use the following command-
mount -o noatime,rw /dev/mmcblk0p5
rm -rf /and/
rm…. cannot be done. not found
ok thanks….
First I downloaded the 2 files and moved them from my PC to my external card. I then copied them into the /home/user/MyDocs file using emelFM2. The two files are now next to each other in MyDocs. I have got as far as having installed the N12-UMay file but on trying to install nitdroid-kernal I am getting the error message ‘no such file or directory. Have tried it 3 times, checking my typing and cannot see ant errors. Your help will be appreciated.
Make sure you have typed correct file name of the kernal name after the dpkg -i command
Sorry – panic over – was not careful enough in my spelling – Android now installed
thanks man it worked perfectly, i was wondering if it can support adhoc for browsing cos there is no such thing as wifi at where i live
heyy plaban..i m facing difficulty in unzipping the file as i give the command bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2 an error saying bzip2 not found prompts since i m new at LINUX please help me out..!!
Place the files in correct place and Copy Paste the commands in x-terminal.
Hello! I have a doubt … I can only make the process until that part
. Connect your mobile to internet via WiFi or Cellular data and insert the MicroSD card in mobile.
2.Enable all repositories from App manager (Extras-testing, Extras-devel, Extras and the default Nokia)
3.Install rootsh (if you do not have) and Leafpad from the App manager
x open-end type
apt-get update
apt-get install nitdroid-installer
y again if it ASKs again.
Close When x-terminal package is installed
I can not access the folder to “Copy it to / home / user / MyDocs” the machine says rootsh this installed but I can not access this folder at all!
If you can help me I thank
hmm..i got the prob thnxx n nw some error has occured while installing nitdroid kernel saying
“Errors were encountered while processing:
nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07” getting an error message that couldn’t find package nitdroid-installer while placing a command apt-get install nitdroid-installer.
please let me know wat needs to be done
Do i need to extract Nitdroid Gingerbread N12 UMay and paste it to /home/user/MyDocs
please can anyone help me. what should i do after the leafpad opens?? its blank so what should i do?
2012.9.2 4:43pm….. First look to a brave try. Ready to install..
Doain yaa temen2…
hi Plaban…
I’ve been installed nitdroid,at the last step, reboot n900, so i switch off. Several second i turn on n900.
Guess what i’ve got???
My device can not turn on.
Is there any wrong steps?
Plezzz help me…
May be something gone wrong. You can reflash firmware to fix the probelm. Follow this guide
If I type : leafpad /etc/multiboot.d/11-NITDroid-
It will say -sh: leafpad: not found
@Plaban I successfully installed Android on N900. I restarted when I wish to make voice calls.
After 3 or 4 times restart, it do not activate. It only appears nokia logo and power down. How can I do? Please share your knowledge, my dears!
2g internet is not working and how to add new apn there no option
Dear Plaban,
hope you are doing fine. i am facing some problem while installing android in my nokia N900. while i am typing “bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2” this command on xterminal it is giving a me message like
bzip2: can’t guess original name for N12_UMay.tar–using N-12_UMay.tar.out
bzip2: N12_UMay.tar is not a bzip2 file.
though i have copied N12_UMay and nitdroid-kernel- files into Nokia N900(File Manage–>Nokia N900)
Please i need your help to get out from this problem.
thanks and best regards.
Have you placed the files in the correct directory [/home/user/MyDocs]?
Dear Plaban,
“/home/user/MyDocs” where is this location indicating? i have just copy both files and paste into nokiaN900.
(Connect by USB cable as mass storage device then open my computer–>Nokia N900->i have paste in this location)…
is this location indicating to “/home/user/MyDocs”????
please let me know as your convenient time…
thanks and best regards…
Yes, connect mobile to computer in Mass Storage mode and open Nokia N900 drive. Now paste the files there. Recheck all file names to avoid any kind of errors.
Dear Plaban,
I have installed android successfully. Sorry, it was my mistake. Sorry to bother you. Thanks again.
After installing NDroid 2.3.4 it was working well and later on I upgraded to 2.3.7. After first time working nice rebooted automatically and now my phone is not booting anymore. Nokia screen comes up and then goes off. Anybody can help to rescue me. Please……..
Re-flash the firmware to solve the problem. Follow this guide
Dear Plaban’
I can not access bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
if u can explain me in easy step this will be high appriciated.
when i type this is x-termial cd /home/user/MyDocs
bzip2 -d N12_UMay.tar.bz2
it give me respond
_sh: bzip2: not found
thanks to advice on this ?
That’s because you may have placed the files in a wrong folder. Connect mobile to computer in Mass Storage mode and open Nokia N900 drive. Now paste the files there.
Dear Plaban,
I have installed iGO the voice navigation program in my mobile. When I open iGO i get experience like “User interface resolution [320×455] is not suported or compatible skin can not be found. Exiting application.”. iGO is running successfully in my Tablet PC. I don’t know what’s the problem. If you know the solution please reply me asap. Thanks again.
Dear Plaban,
I place the file in Nokia N900 but still the same error….
dear palaban
i am stuck on android boot screen.. plz help..
i dnt know which one is micro sd and which one is memory card..
stuck on android boot screen plz help………..
successfully installed android…. bt unable to mount sd card on android due to which i am not able to open media files… plz help….
Hi Plaban,
Thnxx so very much for the blog u created, was really helpful in installing my android but I have a little problem. Android has been successfully stored on my n900 on the emmc. Everything is working successfully but after sometime it just freezes and restarts on its own. have fully flashed it several times but still the same problem. Please help me, what do I do to correct the problem?????
Unfortunately, stable version of Android is not available for Nokia N900.
am glad to say thanks to u.
and i need the reference how u gona make mobile calls working on the same device where i install the nitdroid because after installing the master work it say no service at much much better than an android tab i seen around so pls make it work fast so somebody like me can use it as like as real android.its too lovely and great work u have done
Soory Voice calling on Android will not work on Nokia N900.
hi ….
help me plz i m install android in n900 run .but when i upgrade ics my phon is so slow….and now i m flaahing n900 bt now is not run ginger bread ….ics some files in my home folder …flashing n900 but not remove plz full flashing…..
shit it says broken packages after loading them
helloo….please tell in detail how to update all repositories…
Hi Plaban,
well I decided today to install NitDroid and I did. I followed your instructions on this page and everything went good while installing. Turned off my n900,then turned on. The screen appeared (NOKIA N900 – MULTIBOOT) where I get to choose to start either maemo or android. When I choose number 2 (android) n900 load android good. Everything is working fine with android. I only have one question regarding android part and it is following: when I enter/start some app on android I have difficulty exiting the app. What I mean is: I can´t find the “exit” to leave the app. After I while I figured it out that I can leave /exit the app by pressing the camera button and I can then return to the desktop screen, but I guess this is not the right way to go.It seems that “the bottom row” on my screen is not showing. So the PROBLEM ONE is how to exit app on android,where is the button to be pushed?
PROBLEM TWO: the MAIN problem I guess for me is: I can´t start maemo on my n900. When the NOKIA N900-MULTIBOOT screen appear and I choose number 1 (Maemo 2.6.28-omap1) and this is what happens step by step :
First screen:
Maemo 2.6.28-omap1
Booting please wait
Kernel: 2.6.28-omap1
Modules: ext3
FS type:
FS opts:
After this screen goes black for a few sec then the the white screen with NOKIA leters appear and after that the screen “NOKIA N900- MULTIBOOT”.
So I have no access to maemo no longer.
Please give me instructions what to do.
How can I uninstall Android on my n900 and then perhaps install it again. Please don´t tell me that I need to flash my n900…or do I?
Best regards to you and thanks in advance
Miro / Serbia
Forgot to tell you also this part:
When I press number 0 instead of 1 or 2 this happens:
Maemo (default)
Booting please wait
Kernel: 2.6.28-omap1
FS type:
FS opts:
Then the black screen
Then the white screen with Nokia letters
Then NOKIA N900 – MULTIBOOT screen bringing me at the start again
Hi Miro,
Android doesn’t have any ‘Exit’ button for apps. You just need to press Back or Home button to exit from the app. To completely exit any app you can use the task manager.
I think something gone wrong during Android installation. Unfortunately you have to flash N900.
Thanks for answering,
Hope it is not difficult to do. Can you please confirm that this is theright way to do a proper FLASH for n900. See this link ( ) on youtube. Please confirm that this is the right way so I don´t mess up my n900 even more.
Best regards,
Miro / Serbia
Yes the flashing guide is correct. Keep in mind that the Maemo Flasher tool only works on 32bit Windows or Linux. For 64bit Windows you have to follow some additional steps.
Can you please tell me how to mount the /and directory in N900 ,i have added in fstab but while restarting its not showing again in fstab . i have installed the all file which you mentioned above but while restarting its not showing the dual boot screen.
how can i receive file using bluetooth with my n900 android mode
how can i go to my file manager or view my apps on my emmc and sd card on n900 at android mode
Sorry, but i tried to enable all repositories but seems got a problem …
can you provide me (extras-devel, extras-testing and default nokia)
Nothing is displayed in leafpad? And after reatarting it shows some type of error? Why
I get this error. Please help
“Root File System mmcblk1p2 not available”.
It keeps rebooting after this i-e back to multiboot. If i select Maemo it boots fine but Nitdroid isnt booting.
will it work in c5-03? Plz reply and thnx in adv
I installed 2.3.4 nitdroid on my nokia n900 but 2g internet not working even i enabled the data?
hi i can not chang the file to mmcblk0p2
eror: the file is read only plz help me
I cant find /home/user/MyDocs. How to solve this??
this camera working to tutorial or no
pls i need ur help, i’v downloaded the nitdroid files into my sd card bt wen i opened x_terminal, it says theres no such file. pls wat should i do…?
dude can if I install it(android) how would I make a Voice Call.
will this install android in phone storage or memory card? will this overclock my phone? isn’t overclocking dangerous?
Hi, When I Try to install , Im able to run the command till
tar xvf /home/user/MyDocs/N12_UMay.tar ,
but when I run dpkg -i /home/user/MyDocs/nitdroid-kernel-2.6.28-07_rc4_armel.deb
it got failed because of mulitboot and mutiboot-kernel package got missed in (nitdroid installer).
SO I cant able to proceed further, Can you please help on this
hello palwan i don every thing you write about removing the nit. but still i can boot into nit without any problem can u give me. why its still there
good evening every one.. am from Philippines.. my N900 has expired certificate.. how can I get a new one?? pls help me.. thanks.