How To Create Facebook Profile Picture Hack?
If you have seen some Facebook profiles like this photo and want to have this in your profile also then you have come to right place.Facebook recently introduced new profile page layout.Facebook users are currently taking advantage of this new profile photo layout and showing their creativity.French artist Alexander Oudin first started this craze and it is now spreading like fire.This can be done using some photo hacking feature of Facebook.All Facebook users now want to have this .But they don’t know how to do this?
I’m going to tell the process-
You can create this using this Photoshop tutorial
There are some website like this
which offer you the new custom profile pictures for $3
But you can have this customization without messing with Photoshop and spending money
There is a Facebook app called Profile Pimp which does this magic
Add this app to your profile and upload a High Resolution photo.Now drag the photo and select which portion you will show in your profile page.Follow the simple process and finally apply the customization.
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